What do bees call home sweet home? Sometimes it’s EPS 


Bees are by far our planet’s prin­ci­pal pol­li­na­tors, fer­til­is­ing plants of all types. But bees face dai­ly chal­lenges to sur­vive and have been dying in greater num­bers recent­ly because of exter­nal pres­sures includ­ing par­a­sitic mites, habi­tat loss and harsh weath­er. Very cold win­ters can be even more dead­ly than pests and pes­ti­cides. Bees con­sume nec­tar pro­duced in the sum­mer to keep the brood warm in the win­ter. Hot sum­mers can also stress the colony as bees expend ener­gy to try to cool the hive down.

Super-insu­lat­ing EPS bee­hives help keep bees warmer in the win­ter and cool­er in the sum­mer so they require less food to sur­vive and can spend more time doing what they do best: mak­ing hon­ey. That’s good for bio­di­ver­si­ty and good for hon­ey pro­duc­ers alike. Food-grade, high-den­si­ty EPS bee­hives are also high­ly resis­tant to mois­ture, which pre­vents the spread of mould that is com­mon with wood­en bee­hives, so they can last 15 years or more.

Bee­keep­ers of all ages also like the fact that EPS bee­hives are light­weight, mak­ing them eas­i­er to move—an impor­tant fea­ture for pro­fes­sion­al bee­keep­ers who move hives from one field to the next in sea­son to pol­li­nate crops.

EPS bee­hives have been used in Europe for more than 40 years. You can read more about them here.